New Age Kurling for Kids
Fun programs for schools, Birthday Parties and Holiday Sports Camps
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Welcome to KurlingKids:
A fun way of learning how to play New Age Kurling.
Available to primary schools for:
- Curriculum PE Lessons
- PPA Cover
- Breakfast & Lunchtime Activity Clubs
- After School Sports Clubs
- Kids Birthday Sports Parties
- Holidays Sports Camps & Playschemes
- Bespoke Services for schools
- CPD Staff Training
- Parents & Children Bonding/Learning Events
- Please email us for a full list of services and programs we offer to schools
Watch This Video:
Watch children taking part in our KurlingKIDS school sports program. Please email us for more information and a quote.
Welcome to our KurlingKids School Sports Program
Hello Head Teachers and PE Leads.
Similar to all of our school sports programs, our New Age Kurling program (called Kurlingkids) also aims to give children a “WOW, that was an amazing experience, can we do it again?“.
To book a Kurlingkids sports program for your school please email us for a quote. If you are a parent and want to book New Age Kurling activities as part of a multi-sports or mini-Olympics birthday party for your child then visit our Kids Sports Parties page, or if you want to find out more about our school holiday sports camps click here.
What is Kurlingkids?
KurlingKids is New Age Kurling for kids and is a Sporting Dreams School Sports Program.
We introduce children aged 4-12years old to the fun new sport of New Age Kurling and teach them how to play and understand the basic rules, types of shots and strategies to use to compete against an opponent. We also incorporate basic mathematics into our lessons.

What is New Age Kurling?
Kurling is a form of the original curling game, but adapted so it can be played indoors and on any smooth, flat surface, such as a sports hall, rather than on ice. It is a fully inclusive game allowing people of all abilities to play and have fun. The objective of the game is to get as many stones closer to the centre of the target (a vinyl mat) than your opponent’s stones.
In 2000, John Bennett was asked by his son to think up a sport that disabled people could all enjoy. It was while watching the Curling World Championships on television that John came up with the idea of New Age Kurling, an indoor version of the existing game.
At KurlingKIDS we find it a useful learning tool to get the children to watch the cartoon version (2minutes) of how to play real Curling on ice, and then to watch a bit of the adults playing real Curling. This helps children learn faster. Thank you to the Canadian curling association.
Watch These Video's:
What Skills do the Children Develop?
New Age Kurling is an excellent target sport for 4-12year olds and our instructor will help children to develop the knowledge, tactics and understanding of the core skills involved.
Children will learn and participate in;
- Various techniques on how to deliver a Kurling rock/stone.
- Learn different types of shots including; The Nudge, The Guard, The Takeout.
- Learn the names of the floor markings and playing area.
- Play 1 v1 matches and team competitions.
- Learn how to referee a match.
- Use their maths knowledge to keep scores.
Additional Benefits:
Children develop many transferable skills such as:
- Developing Balance
- Coordination
- Developing strength
- Developing self-esteem and confidence
- Developing team work and cooperation
- Learning to be a good sports person and winning with dignity
Our approach to teaching children:
If you haven’t already, please take a look at our about us page, our history, and our foundations, where you can read a little about our coaching methods, our approach and our use of discipline. These are vitally important to create and maintain a fun, safe and efficient learning environment for the children.
Our instructors approach to teaching New Age Kurling is firm but fair and in a fun way. We always say to the children that ‘we want you to have an amazing time but if you have poor listening skills then you will have a poor lesson, but if you have amazing listening skills then you will have an amazing lesson’.
Like all of our school sports programs, we try our very best to get the balance right between making lessons fun whilst maintaining good child behaviour management.
What services do you offer to schools?
Bookings are available to schools for PE Lessons, PPA Cover, After School Clubs, and School Holiday Sports Camps, plus other bespoke services including Birthday Parties and for Community Groups. For a full list of services and programs we offer to schools please email us.
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