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Harry Potter Quidditch Party
Fun Parties for Children 4-12yrs
A fun way to celebrate your child’s birthday with family and friends
Quidditch Party
What to expect: Quidditch is a new sport taken from the Harry Potter books. Even the UK have a Adult Quidditch team.
Children can get dressed up in Harry Potter costumes and our party host will teach the children how to play the various positions and then go on to play a quidditch match.
Watch This Video:
What is Quidditch?
Quidditch was created by J. K. Rowling in her Harry Potter novels and has now developed into a real life sport with even Great Britain (Team UK) having a team and who play in the Quidditch World Cup.
Quidditch is a mixture of Handball, Dodgeball, Tag-Rugby and Football. But there are many more transferable skills children develop by playing. Look at these video’s explaining how to play the fun new sport.

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